Helen b's world tour
Helen b is no longer just the Ghent-based helen b & friends shop at Sint-Jacobs plus a few stockists in Belgium, oh no. Helen is on a mission to conquer the world!
Helen b products are by now available in quite a lot of countries. Mission (partly) completed you would think. There are currently more than 200 stores all over Europe, Africa and Asia who sell our products, so it's getting difficult to outrun the typical helen b characters. Trapeze girl, naked couple, merman, boris, kelly, snorkling girl, fox, etc. already master quite some languages. Our partners are carefully selected based on their shopping concept and geographical location. We develop a caring and loving relationship with them and are confident that our helen b products are treated with the greatest care and respect. We just love the idea of seeing our products in the most amazing cosy little shops in towns all over the.
Some fun facts... Did you know that...
- you can buy helen b products on a tiny little island east of Madagaskar called La Réunion?
- there's a store in South Korea that sells our products? Another major reason why the people in North Korea can't wait for a North-South reconciliation.
- our guitar man cup is super well-known in London?
- there's no fewer than 12 stores in Paris, the City of Love and Lights, where you can find us?
- all pandas are originally from China and helen b has two points of sale in the country of the Great Wall?
- our funny duvet covers are produced in sunny Spain?
Hasta la Vista! Bye! Até Logo! Au revoir! Ciao! Auf Wiedersehen! Adjö! Tot wederom! Do zobaczenia! じゃあまたね! Annyeong!